Thursday October 17, 2024


6:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Central Time

Be sure to review the Scoutmaster Bucky Collections Merit Badge Workbook prior to attending the class

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Scoutmaster Bucky and his team of counselors prefer the use of Electronic Blue Cards.  While traditional physical paper blue cards will always be honored at a Scoutmaster Bucky event, providing your BSA ID # allows Counselors to provide electronic sign off instead of or in addition to traditional physical blue cards.  You may access this number through ScoutBook or by contacting your unit leader.   Please note, we would like your BSA ID # (not your ScoutBook ID #). You do not need it to complete registration and you may either update your registration later or bring your BSA ID # with you on the day of the event (be ready to provide it at check-in).

Scoutmaster Bucky Refund Policy: Requests for refund or cancellation will be honored anytime up to one week prior to any event or until registration for a class / event has filled or closed. Requests after 7 days prior to the class or event will not receive a refund unless Purchase Protection has been purchased.
The Scoutmaster Bucky Online Program offers online merit badge opportunities. These offerings are being monitored closely by the Northern Star Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and among other provisions will adhere strictly to the rules found in the Guide to Safe Scouting and Youth Protection programs.

Careful consideration has been put into the content, process, rules, and means in which these online offerings are made available. At the core, we are not changing anything about the merit badge, we are however delivering this opportunity in a familiar way to many of our youth; electronically. It must be noted that we have taken great efforts to ensure the highest of integrity in this program and, as such, Scouts will have strict rules to follow and expectations to adhere to in order to gain sign off on any single or multitude of requirements.

The Scoutmaster Bucky Online Program is not meant to make the earning of a merit badge any easier or more difficult, but rather offer a modern means for youth to have the opportunity to earn a merit badge utilizing today’s technology. Registration costs will cover materials, electronic media application subscription, and other costs incurred presenting these opportunities.

General Rules and Expectations:
These are online classes so Scouts must have a high speed internet connection with internet access and a web browser. Use of a PC, MAC, or Laptop is the only means currently being supported (no mobile devices or tablets please). If using a Laptop without a constant power source, please make sure that the batteries are fully charged prior to the class.

Scouts will be required to verbally communicate thru the use of their PC/MAC/Laptop microphone and speakers. Participants may be muted to control feedback during the class, Active participation will be monitored at all times.

Participants must have a web cam and will be expected to be present and seen on web cam during the duration of the class. All webcams will be monitored throughout the class to insure compliance.

Online classes pose challenges and participants’ communication skills will be tested. Utilizing many forms of communication, Scouts will need to “be prepared”. Reading, writing (typing), and speaking will all be aspects utilized to complete these classes. It is highly recommended that Scouts utilize an electronic method to record their pre‐requisites work so they can easily access their formulated answers for use during the class via any of these communication methods. (writing/typing will be a lot more timely and easy with the copy and paste command)

The Scout Oath and Scout Law is the expected behavior of all participants, adult leaders and staff, and guests. However, some additional points of general Netiquette rules should be kept in mind as well.

1. Be on Time
While tardiness will occasionally be unavoidable, be prepared and respectful of others and try to make sure you are set up and logged in for your web conference prior to the start time.

2. “Be Prepared”
Not only should you make sure you have reviewed and prepared the requirements for the class, but you will also want to check your settings and equipment for the class.

Remember to test your camera, microphone, and speakers to make sure they are configured and working properly prior to the class.

3. Choose a proper location and setting
Find a secluded area or room with a door preferably. Hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door to let others know you are busy, so they do not barge in on you and your web class.

Avoid distractions. Shut off your social media, video games, homework, hobbies and focus on the class. While you may think it is easy to multi task it will likely be evident to the counselor and others that you are not fully participating. Remember a Scout is trustworthy and if suspected of multi‐tasking you may be asked to leave the online class.

4. Dress Scout Friendly
Since you are at home it might seem all right to show up to the online class in your pajamas or sports clothes, but it’s not. Scouts are expected to be in their official Scout uniform (often referred to as the Class A uniform). This is not optional and is viewed as a manner of respect to our Scouting program. This is to help create uniformity and a sense of esprit de corps since there will be Scouts from all over the United States in the class.

5. Be Friendly, Positive, and Self- Reflective
Be ready to introduce yourself. You will likely be participating with others that do not know you, nor you them, to create a sense of comfort and friendliness, everyone will be introducing themselves to the others during the class.

Remember, when people do not know you, judgment of you as a person can be inaccurate if you are not careful in how you express yourself. The old saying, think before you speak is important here. One word of advice is, do not respond when you feel angry or excited. Wait. Write it down somewhere and come back to it. When you do, you may find that you no longer feel the same way as you did when you wrote it, because you have had time to reflect about the situation. Last, if you still feel the need to be heard, then edit before you post or speak in terms that are easily embraced. This is also true when you feel a critique is necessary; say it in a positive tone. Review what you have written or are going to say to be sure it is positive.

6. Use Proper Language and Titles
Do not use profanity or even slang words in an online environment, even if they are words you consider, "not so bad". Do not refer to your counselor or other adults by his or her first name, unless it is acceptable with him or her to do so (only if they give you permission). Address all adults with the proper salutation of Mister, Miss’ess, or Miss. Of course proper titles such as Doctor, Professor, etc. should be utilized when known and appropriate.

Also, when typing, do not use Caps Lock or type in all capital letters, it will insinuate yelling. That could hurt someone's feelings and possibly give him / her the wrong impression of you and the message you are trying to relay.

7. Use Effective Communication
Say what you mean to say. This takes practice and thought. Try to speak and write clearly at all times. Review, define, and restate your words when necessary. Correct a misunderstanding right away. Chances are, if one person felt a certain way about what you said, another may have as well. Likewise, be mindful of chosen words and joking. Let's say for example, I write, "get out!" This slang term can be interpreted in several ways, either positively or negatively, especially when only presented in writing.

Additionally, keep characters like smiley faces and instant message abbreviations to an absolute minimum if not completely absent. Save those for personal conversations. This is good practice as many people may find these as childish or too casual in certain environments. Practice your professional online and communication persona.

Finally, the two most powerful words (also known as the magic words) demonstrating appreciation and respect are “please” and “thank you”. Practice using these and soon they will become natural and offer many unforeseen rewards.

8. Ask for Clarification
If you are unsure of what was said, or the counselor’s directive, or have any other uncertainty, then ask again. Do not sit in silence either misunderstanding or feeling offended. Do not interrupt though; wait until there is a break in the conversation, or until the open interaction occurs. Your responsiveness and maturity will be recognized and appreciated. A simple way to do this is to say (or write), "I did not understand...", which will always keep the onus for the misunderstanding on yourself.

If you have any questions, you can contact Scoutmaster Bucky (Brian Reiners) via email at [email protected] or call/text 612‐483‐0665. We are excited to welcome you to this online opportunity.

Yours in Scouting,

Scoutmaster Bucky and the Scoutmaster Bucky Team
I understand that the Scout / Youth signed up in this registration will be voluntarily participating in the Scoutmaster Bucky Online Merit Badge program working on the specified merit badge.

As parent/guardian, I will insure that my youth Scout and any others participating from the same location understand and will behave as expected and in accordance with the Scout Oath and Law. Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the class.

I understand that it is important that my child follow the instructions of the Scoutmaster Bucky Online staff and the counselor(s) for the merit badge during the online class. I will remind my Scout of the importance of conducting himself/herself in a safe manner and to abide by the instructions and expectations of the Scoutmaster Bucky Online program and team personnel.

I understand that by consenting to my child’s participation in this voluntary event, I am assuming all risks concerning my child associated with this event, including without limitation, the risk of personal injury or property damage. Further by consenting to my child’s voluntary participation in the Scoutmaster Bucky Online program, I am agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless Scoutmaster Bucky, the Scoutmaster Bucky Team, Northern Star Council, and the National Boy Scouts of America and their respective trustees, officers, employees, personnel, volunteers, and agents from any liability arising from this event.

It also should be noted that it is the Scout's responsibility to ensure that Unit leadership is aware, understands, and approves of the online format for working on this merit badge. By accepting this waiver you are confirming this.

I, as parent /legal guardian of the registered Scout / Youth, hereby give my consent for him/her to participate in the Scoutmaster Bucky Online program activities.
The Scoutmaster Bucky program reserves the right to use photos, video clips, or media clips from any visual captures or video recordings for promotional and/or reuse in other merit badge and Scouting presentations. These situations are anticipated to be minimal, however in these rare cases, the following applies:

I hereby assign and grant to the Northern Star Council, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Scoutmaster Bucky program, the right and permission to use and publish the photographs / electronic representations and/or sound recordings made of my Scout / Youth and associated with the Scoutmaster Bucky program, and I hereby release the Boy Scouts of America, Northern Star Council and the Scoutmaster Bucky program, their respective activity coordinators and counselor(s), and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all liability from such use and publication.

I hereby authorize the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage, and/or distribution of said photographs / electronic representations and/or sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of the Boy Scouts of America, and I specifically waive any right to any compensation I may have for any of the foregoing.

Your current total for 1 registrant is $17.00 (Show Summary)

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