Afternoon Merit Badge Classes

Saturday February 15, 2025

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Central Time

Be sure to go to the Merit Badge Requirements Page for your respective merit badge Scoutmaster Bucky Merit Badges. There you will find a link to the merit badge workbook and merit badge class preparation pages respectively,
and don't forget to read the merit badge pamphlet available at your local Scout Shop or online


To be compliant with the Guide to Advancement and the Merit Badge Process, the following Acknowledgement form MUST be submitted prior to the class.  Instructions are within.
Scoutmaster Bucky Merit Badge Acknowledgement Form 

You need this form properly completed for participation in the merit badge opportunity.

Location Information

  • Christ the King Lutheran Church
  • 8600 Fremont Avenue South, Bloominton, MN, 55420

Register Today

Scoutmaster Bucky and his team of counselors prefer the use of Electronic Blue Cards.  While traditional physical paper blue cards will always be honored at a Scoutmaster Bucky event, providing your BSA ID # allows Counselors to provide electronic sign off instead of or in addition to traditional physical blue cards.  You may access this number through ScoutBook or by contacting your unit leader.   Please note, we would like your BSA ID # (not your ScoutBook ID #). You do not need it to complete registration and you may either update your registration later or bring your BSA ID # with you on the day of the event (be ready to provide it at check-in).

Scoutmaster Bucky Refund Policy: Requests for refund or cancellation will be honored anytime up to one week prior to any event or until registration for a class / event has filled or closed. Requests after 7 days prior to the class or event will not receive a refund unless Purchase Protection has been purchased.
The Scoutmaster Bucky Eagle Merit Badge Policy is that Scouts may participate in only ONE Eagle-required Merit Badge opportunity per day or event.

This policy is put in place so that as many Scouts as possible can have the opportunity for these coveted badges.

Checking this waiver confirms your understanding, acceptance, agreement to this policy.

Furthermore, those registering for more than one Eagle-required merit badge risk being removed from one or both classes by the event organizer's sole determination.
The Scoutmaster Bucky program reserves the right to use photos, video clips, or media clips from any visual captures or video recordings for promotional and/or reuse in other merit badge and Scouting presentations. These situations are anticipated to be minimal, however in these rare cases, the following applies:

I hereby assign and grant to the Northern Star Council, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Scoutmaster Bucky program, the right and permission to use and publish the photographs / electronic representations and/or sound recordings made of my Scout / Youth and associated with the Scoutmaster Bucky program, and I hereby release the Boy Scouts of America, Northern Star Council and the Scoutmaster Bucky program, their respective activity coordinators and counselor(s), and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all liability from such use and publication.

I hereby authorize the reproduction, sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage, and/or distribution of said photographs / electronic representations and/or sound recordings without limitation at the discretion of the Boy Scouts of America, and I specifically waive any right to any compensation I may have for any of the foregoing.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software